On-Demand Webinar – Native vs. Hybrid: Choosing the Best Approach for Mobile App Development

On-Demand Webinar - Native vs. Hybrid: Choosing the Best Approach for Mobile App Development 1

We, at Technology Rivers, hosted a webinar that provided insights on the different approaches to custom mobile app development. The webinar featured a panel discussion that aimed to clarify questions related to building hybrid versus native applications.

The panelists for the webinar were industry experts in the field of custom mobile app development, including Graham Dodge, President at PathCheck, Marco Jacobs, President and CEO at CodeIntelx, Justin Tracy, CTO at Workdrive, and Ghazenfer Mansoor, CEO at Technology Rivers.

The panel discussion provided clarity on the most popular approaches to custom mobile app development, which are fully native and hybrid. Full native programming involves creating separate iPhone and Android apps, while hybrid apps are developed using HTML5, JavaScript, and other tools that provide different languages.

During the webinar, the panelists discussed the pros and cons of each approach to custom mobile app development. They agreed that the choice of approach depends on the specific needs of the project, with full native programming allowing for leveraging the unique features of the operating system of the device but requiring two development teams and being more expensive. In contrast, hybrid apps save time and money by allowing developers to write one code for both iOS and Android, but there may be delays in accessing new features.

Technology Rivers, which has been ranked numerous times as a top mobile app and custom software development firm in the DC area, aims to help entrepreneurs, founders, startups, and product owners build highly scalable and flexible applications. The company has also had some of its apps featured in the Apple and Google stores, as well as other prominent tech forums and publications.


If you missed the live event, you can check out this link to access the recording.


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