8 Push Notification Marketing Strategies that Will Help Increase Engagement and Conversion Rates

Blogs » 8 Push Notification Marketing Strategies that Will Help Increase Engagement and Conversion Rates

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Blogs » 8 Push Notification Marketing Strategies that Will Help Increase Engagement and Conversion Rates

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Some people thought that push notifications are invasive and annoying. But push messaging isn’t the real issue. It’s the wrong push marketing strategy that drives users to refrain from receiving push messages and, worst, remove the app permanently.

Push can help retain and convert more loyal users. In fact, there are 42% of users who want to receive push notifications on their mobile phones, which companies or brands can take advantage of for overall strategy.


What are Push Notifications?

Push notifications are pop-up messages that appear on the browser and mobile devices. These are quick updates, reminders, or any messages used to communicate with users.

Types of Push Notifications

There are four types of push notifications:

  1. Web App Notifications
  2. Mobile App Push Notifications
  3. Desktop Push Notifications
  4. Wearables Push Notifications


Push Notifications Best Practices 

Here are some of the smart push notification marketing strategies that you can use to your advantage. These will help your customers to stay longer and encourage them to do the actions that you want them to take:

1. Avoid Default Pre-Permission Message

According to a study, 65% of users return to an app after receiving push notifications. Therefore, persuading users to enable push is critical to a successful push notification campaign.

But how should you do that? You need to build a relationship with your users first. They need to be confident that you are valuable, so they won’t get annoyed when receiving push messages. It’s not advisable to use the default permission messages for new users. Opt-in messages are not customizable on iOS, but you can use a splash screen.



2. Write Persuasive Permission Messages

The permission messages must convince visitors to subscribe to your push notifications. This means you should personalize push permission messages with a persuasive copy to convince users to opt-in. Here are some of the things you need to consider before writing the permission copy:

Value: People won’t subscribe to push notifications if they can’t figure out the benefits they will get. You need to be clear on your copy the value they’ll get from your offers no matter what business you are in. Don’t leave your users guessing. For instance, if you’re an online store or a booking platform, you can tell people that they will get updates on special offers and discounts through push notifications,

Frequency: You will establish trust if you are honest about the frequency of these notifications. Reminding users that their privacy is respected and that they can disable notifications must be relayed to them.

Catchy Headline: Just like any other marketing strategy, you can grab a user’s attention with a headline. The tone depends on your target audience, of course, but it should lead them to subscribe.

Target Audience: Who are the people you are targeting? Once you know your target audience, then it will be much easier to craft the message that will get them to subscribe.

We recently wrote these articles that talk about the importance of identifying your target audience in mobile app development and the different ways of identifying them:

  1. The Importance of Identifying Your Target Audience for Mobile App
  2. 4 Ways to Find Your Niche in a Crowded Marketplace


3. Mapping Out User’s Activities

You can persuade users to enable push using the optimal timing or several actions that they need to take on first. But you should set up actions that users need to take before the opt-in appears. Here are a few actions that you can use to increase app engagement, conversion rates and turn users into push notifications subscribers.

  • Viewed a Product: This is great for e-commerce where you can set an opt-in every time a visitor has viewed a product and browsed through it multiple times. This can be a great way to remind users about the items they are interested in.
  • Read a Blog Post or Article: A notification can pop up for users to receive updates on new posts or content after they have read your posts or articles.
  • Session or Time Spent: You can automate notifications to pop up after a visitor has reached an ideal amount of time on your website and/or mobile app. Doing this will help your visitors understand what your website or app is all about and they would be convinced on why they should allow push notifications from you.



4. Create Powerful CTAs

When you personalize your messages, you need strong CTAs to tell users the actions they need to do. If you have a travel mobile app, you should send notifications with powerful CTAs that will prompt them to book or check out new destinations.

While the CTAs will depend on the type of business or offers, you should conduct AB tests on your CTAs to determine which creative works best for your target audience.


5. Use Limited-Time Offers

This has been effective in many marketing campaigns and you can use this in push notifications, too. Alerting users about limited-time offers can help you gain more sales, especially if the offer is appealing. For instance, you can alert a user on a flash sale item in the abandoned cart. You can personalize your messages to give users a sense of urgency that they need to act real quick to grab those time-limited offers.

And take note: almost all types of businesses can take advantage of these limited-time perks to drive more app engagement and conversion rates.



6. Utilize Location-Based Notifications

Using location-based notifications to boost conversions can work pretty well for on-demand apps as they alert users to nearby stores or sellers offering the items or services they are looking for. If you utilize this for the mobile push notification strategy, you need to personalize your message with deep links and adjust the offers based on the location.


7. Help Users to Achieve their Goals

Push notification marketing does not only help in getting more items sold. It’s also being valuable and relevant to users by helping them achieve their goals. Fitness and wellness apps can send relevant reminders to their users about their workout schedule, meal plans, routines, and progress. Education app updates can alert users about their target reading or study time and remind them of the books or courses they might have missed.

This notification strategy is a win-win scenario: users will be compelled to take action or complete their goals and you will benefit from increased app engagement.


8. Always Measure and Track Results

Push notification marketing campaigns must be measured and tracked. The data or results should be the basis for optimization to increase the conversion rates. The Key Performance Indicators or KPIs that you can use are app engagement, ROAS, and others related to your company goals. You may also gather users’ feedback to measure if you have successful push notification campaigns.

To learn more about important app metrics, you may read also turn to this article – Important App Metrics & Tools: How to Measure and Improve Mobile App Performance



Conclusion: Are Push Notifications an Effective Marketing Strategy for Increasing Subscribers and Engaged Customers?

It’s no surprise that almost every app is asking users to enable push notifications. And the reason for that is push notifications can do a lot of things.

App marketers can use push as a great marketing tool to convince people to take actions that will eventually increase in-app purchases and boost conversion rates. No matter how powerful push technology is, however, there are the right approaches or best practices in sending pushes to reduce cart abandonment, boost engagement, increase sales, and grow conversion rates.


Are you looking for a software development partner who has the right knowledge and experience in developing mobile applications? Get in touch with us today! We can help you get started.

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